Sigrest, Piper, PhD, "Novel Whiffling-Inspired Gapped Wings as Control Surfaces", 2023, currently a staff engineer at Blue Origin
Haughn, Kevin, PhD, "Intelligence for Morphing Aircraft", 2022, currently a Post-Doc at Army Research Laboratory
Harvey, Christina, PhD, “Avian Wing Joints Provide Longitudinal Flight Stability and Control”, 2022, currently an Assistant Professor at UC Davis
Groo, Lori, A., PhD, “Integrated Damage Sensing in Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites Using Nano-and Micro-Scale Materials”, 2021, currently at Air Force Research Labs, Dayton
Acosta, Krystal, L., PhD, “Characterizing the Pyroelectric Effects in Macro-fiber Composites”, 2020, currently a physicist at NASA Kennedy Space Center
Essink, Brittany, PhD, “Design and Implementation of Mechanical Metamaterials”, December, 2019, currently a consultant at Exponent
Lee, Andrew, PhD, “Piezoelectrically Generated Bistable Composites for Morphing, Energy Harvesting, and Vibration Control”, May, 2019, currently an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State
Gamble, Lawren, PhD, “Bioinspired Control of Rudderless Morphing UAVs”, June, 2018, currently a consultant at Exponent
Reichl, Katie, PhD, “Active Metastructures for Light-weight Vibration Suppression”, March, 2018, currently at Komatsu Mining
Pankenien, Alexander, M., PhD, “Smart Material Wing Morphing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, April, 2015, currently a Postdoctoral Researcher, Air Force Research Labs, Dayton
Spak, Kaitlin, PhD, “Modeling Cable Harness Effects on Spacecraft Structures”, June 2014, Currently with Exponent, Inc.
Choi, PhD, “Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Cable-Harnessed Structures”, May 2014, currently with the Korean Defense Agency.
Hobeck, Jared D., PhD, “Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric Grass for Autonomous Self-Sustaining Sensor Networks,” April 2014 currently a Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Michigan, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Faria, Cassio, PhD, “Robust Model-Based Control of Nonlinear Bio-Inspired Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” August 2013, currently a research engineer with LMS (Siemens).
Mana Afshari, PhD, “Vibration and Impedance Based Structural Health Monitoring Applications and Thermal Effects,” 25 May 2012, currently at OSI Soft, California.
Dodson, Jacob, PhD, “Guided Wave Structural Health Monitoring with Environmental Considerations” , April, 2012, Currently a researcher at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin, FL.
Wang, Ya, PhD, “Simultaneous Harvesting and Control,” February, 2012, currently an Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY.
Karami, Amin, “Micro-Scale and Nonlinear Vibrational Energy Harvesting,” June 2011; currently an Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY.
Ohanian, John, “Ducted Fan Aerodynamics and Modeling, with Applications of Steady and Synthetic Jet Flow Control,” May 2011; currently an Aircraft Design Engineer, Luna LLC, Blacksburg, VA.
Anton, Steve, “Multifunctional Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Concepts,” April 2011; currently an assistant professor at the Tennessee Tech.
Martin, Luke, A Novel Material Modulus Function for Modeling Viscoelastic Materials, April 2011; currently Technical Lead, Mechanical Measurements Engineering Section, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA.
Bilgen, Onur, “Aerodynamic and Electromechanical Design, Modeling and Implementation of Piezocomposite Airfoils,” August 2010 (co-advised with Kevin Kochersberger in ME Dept.); currently an Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
Erturk, Alper, “Electromechanical Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters”, December 2009; currently an Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
Tarazaga, Pablo, “Dynamics and Control of Pressurized Optical Membranes”, August 2009; currently an Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
Renno, Jamil, “Dynamics and Control of Membrane Mirrors for Adaptive Optic Applications,” September 2008; currently Senior Lecture, University of Southampton, UK.
Salehian, Armaghan, “Distributed Parameter Modeling of Large Flexible Satellites with Design and Control Applications,” January 2008; currently an Associate Professor, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Grisso, Benjamin, “Advancing Autonomous Structural Health Monitoring, November 2007,” currently a Research Scientist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, MD.
Allison, Timothy, System Identification via the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, October 2007; currently Research Engineer, Mechanical and Fluids Engineering Department, Southwest Research Institute.
Peairs, Dan, “High Frequency Modeling and Experimental Analysis for Implementation of Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring,” May 2006; currently a Staff Scientist, L-3 Fuzing & Ordnance Systems, Cincinnati, OH.
Seigler, T. Michael, “Dynamics and Control of Morphing Aircraft,” August 2005; currently an Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Ruggiero, Eric, “Modeling and Control of SPIDER Satellite Components,” August 2005; currently a Mechanical Engineer with GE Global Research Center in Niskayuna, NY.
Sodano, Henry, “The Use of Macro-Fiber Composites (MFC) for Structural Applications,” May 2005; currently an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Majeed, Majed, “Deformations of In-Plane Loaded Unsymmetrically Laminated Composite Plates,” February 2005 (co-advised with Mike Hyer in ESM), currently Assistant Professor, University of Kuwait, Kuwait.
Wang, Kaihong, “Vibration Analysis of Cracked Composite Bending-Torsion Beams for Damage Diagnosis,” November 2004; currently with AREVA NP, Inc., Naperville, IL.
Williams, Brett, “Nonlinear Mechanical and Actuation Characterization of Piezoceramic Fiber Composites,” March 2004; currently with Raytheon Company, El Segundo, CA.
Tanner, Troy, “Combined Shock and Vibration Isolation Through the Self-Powered, Semi-Active Control of a Magnetorheological Damper in Parallel with an Air Spring,” November 2003; currently with PAR Technologies, LLC, Hampton, VA.
Da silva, Luciano Afonso, “Internal Variable and Temperature Modeling Behavior of Viscoelastic Structures – A Control Analysis,” August 2003; currently with Embreair, Brazil.
Jha, Akhilesh, “Vibration Analysis and Control of an Inflated Torus,” July 2002, currently with NextGen Aeronautics, Torrance, CA.
Tuzcu, Ilhan, Dynamics and Control of Flexible Aircraft, December 2001; currently an Associate Professor, University of Alabama (Co-Chair).
Kim, Myung-Hyun, “Nonlinear Control and Robust Observer Design for Marine Vehicles,” November 2000, currently an Associate Professor, Pusan National University, Korea.
Carneiro, Sergio H. S., “Model-Based Vibration Diagnostic of Cracked Beams in the Time Domain,” August 2000, currently a Research Scientist at the Institute for Aeronautics and Space, CTA/IAE/ASA Sáo José dos Campos, Paulo, Brazil.
Park, Gyuhae, “Assessing Structural Integrity using Mechatronic Impedance Transducers with Applications in Extreme Environments,” April 2000, currently a Research Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM.
Cattarius, Jens, “Numerical Wing/Store Interaction Analysis of a Parametric F16 Wing,” October 1999, currently with DaimlerChrysler in Berlin, Germany.
Rusovici, Razvan, “Modeling of Shock Wave Propagation and Attenuation in Viscoelastic Structures,” October 1999, currently Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology.
Austin, Eric, “Influences of Higher Order Modeling Techniques on the Analysis of Layered Viscoelastic Damping Treatments,” November 1998, currently Manager, Design and Analysis, CSA Engineering, Albuquerque, NM.
Pilkey, Deborah F., “Computation of a Damping Matrix for Finite Element Model Updating,” April 1998, currently with the Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division.
Gade, Prasad V.N., “Performance Enhancement and Stability Robustness of Wing/Store Flutter Suppression System,” February 1998, currently with Chrysler Corporation, Powertrain Engineering.
Lam, Margaretha, “Hybrid Active/Passive Models with Frequency Dependent Damping,” October 1997, Currently at Rochester Institute of Technology (tenured).
Agnes, Gregory, “Performance of Nonlinear Mechanical, Resonant Shunted Piezoelectronic and Electronic Multi Degrees of Freedom Structures,” September 1997, currently at Air Force Institute of Technology.
Sciulli, Dino, “Dynamics and Control for Vibration Isolation Design,” April 1997, currently at the Air Force Research Labs.
Pokines, Brett J., “A Substructure Synthesis Formulation for Vibration Isolation,” April 1996, currently at Moog Corporation.
Atalla, Mauro, J., “Model Updating Using Neural Networks,” April 1996, currently at United Technologies Research Center.
Johnson, Dexter, “Alternative Operating Modes for Magnetic Bearing Control,” May 1995, currently at NASA Lewis Research Center.
Leo, Donald, “Control of Uncertain Systems Using Convex Models,” January 1995, currently a Professor and Dean, College of Engineering, Georgia State University.
Rietz, Ralph, “Dynamics and Control of Thermoelastic Systems,” January 1995, currently at Kodak, Rochester, New York.
Dosch, Jeffrey, “Active Vibration Suppression: Stability and Design in Second Order Form,” September 1994, currently at AVC Instrumentation Division of PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
Parker, Gordon C., “Control Techniques for Multibody Flexible Structures Modelled by a Method of Quadratic Modes,” April 1994, currently a Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University.
Van Nostrand, William C., “Active Constrained Layer Damping Using PZT Actuation,” March 1994, currently with Northrop/Grumman Aerospace Corporate Research.
Slater, Joseph C., “Nonlinear Modal Control,” May 1993, currently a Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Wright State University.
Schulz, Mark J., “Eigenstructure Assignment for Mechanical Systems,” April 1993, currently a Professor, University of Cincinnati.
Umland, Jeffrey, “Active Damping in Flexible Structures,” October 1990, currently with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Ross, A. D. S., “A Transient Descriptors for Dynamical System,” April 1990, currently with SPAR Aerospace.
Minas, Constantinos, “Modeling and Active Control of Large Flexible Structures,” August 1989, currently with General Electric Corp, Research and Development.
Garcia, Ephrahim, “On the Modeling and Control of Slewing Flexible Structures,” August 1989, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, NY.
Cudney, Harley, “Distributed Structural Control Using Multilayered Piezoelectric Actuators,” July 1989, currently Radiant Falcon Project Officer, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center, Hanover, NH.
Bellos, John, “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Non Proportional Damping,” March 1989, currently a Professor, Neapolis University, Paphos, Cypress.
Yae, Kwang, “Reduced Order Modeling and Analytical Model Improvement for Structural Dynamics and Control,” July 1987, currently Vice President of Electronics, Samsung Research and Development, Korea.
Zimmerman, David, “Low Authority Control of Large Space Structures with a Constrained Threshold Control Formulation,” June 1987, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, TX.
Liang, Zhong, “On Modal Testing in the Time Domain,” February 1987, currently a Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Buffalo, NY.
Wan, K. W., “Analysis and Control of Thermal Instabilities in Structural Components,” September 1986, joint with Professor F. Cozzarelli, currently with Cummings Engines.
Ahmadian, Mehdi, “Dynamics and Control of General Linear Lumped- Parameter Systems,” June 1984, currently a Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.